Feb 25, 2010

2010 Children's Classic


Pictured above l to r: Brianna Spray and Miranda Howard
It's time for the Children's Classic again. Every year, the last week of February, Richard and his son Phil come together in the town of Covington, TN for the annual Children's Classic. This consists of children between the ages of 0-6 to be photographed every 8 mins. After a solid week they have photographed nearly 500 children! Its a busy week but its always for a good cause. The session fee is donated directly to The Carl Perkins Center to help with the prevention of child abuse. Ramsey Photography has been a part of this charity for 15+ years and has given more than $150,000 to the center. I hope you enjoyed these images from this morning's session. Look for the special edition of TheLeader that will showcase all the children photographed this week.

Feb 15, 2010

New Website Design

Its that time of year again...changes are usually made in January and February at Ramsey Photography in hopes to make your experience here even better than the one from the past year(s). We like to change things up now and then, so this year we decided our website (www.ramseyphotography.com) needed a face lift. We've always changing the images on our site in the past but some of our favorites seemed to always hang around. Well, with the thought of designing a new website, that meant preparing new images and maybe getting rid of some of the older ones. There are a few images that crossed over from one site to the other, but the majority of the images on our new site are clients from this past year. Of course we're constantly making changes to get it just right, so over the next couple of weeks, keep checking back to see if you or your friends are on our site. We're excited to see larger more vibrant images, the galleries are different, and the client proofing session has changed some, however, I think you'll like all the changes. Be on the look out for a email signup form on the blog and/or our website. We're working on a database that will better serve you and enables us to give our best clients offers that no one else can get.

Oh, by the way....don't forget, its Feb 15...only 13 days left in the February promotion.