Mar 18, 2009

Small Moments: Zoe Grace


Zoe's Small Moment:
Zoe is 3 years old, and it was obvious when she walked through the studio. She was so interested in everything around her, everything she said started with "Why?" or "What's that?" She had a great time; she laughed and played with Mr. Richard. They played with the bubbles, squeezed the bike horn, and threw the ball. Before she knew it, it was time to go home and she got to pick out a lolly-pop. Of course, she couldn't just get one for herself, she needed to pick one out for brother too.

Mom's Small Moment:
Zoe Grace was first photographed by Ramsey Photography at the age of 1, two months after her parents adopted her. It's evident that Ms. Shawna cherishes every second of her daughter's life. As she watched Richard photograph Zoe she was reminded that Zoe held that rose in her 1yr portrait. It brought tears to her eyes. It seems like just yesterday they brought her home and now she's 3. We're reminded, how fast they grow up and just how special they are!

It's the small moments we treasure so much.

Mar 11, 2009

Showcase in Painter Magazine


Richard is an avid reader of Painter Magazine, and will share some of his paintings from time to time in the "art gallery" on their website. He was approached a few months back from the publishers of the magazine and was told they would like to possibly showcase one of his images. Considering Painter Magazine is an international magazine, he of course said yes, but thought it was a long shot with so many artist submitting images to the magazine's gallery on a daily bases. Needless to say, it was a pleasant surprise to open the special edition magazine today and see Richard's image showcased. THIS TRULY IS AN HONOR!!

Mar 2, 2009


Well, as you all know, its SNOWED!! this weekend. Lots of pretty white snow. Even though the schools are out today in Tipton County, the Children's Classic is still on. Don't miss your appointment! And for those of you who missed these two cRaZy FaCes this year, we are extending the Children's Classic for a half day. Give Kelly or Cindy a call at 901-475-1117 for your Tuesday appointment.